Friday, May 31, 2013


Review: Violeta De Outono - Espectro (2012)

Artist: Violeta De Outono
Album: Espectro
Year: 2012
Label: Voiceprint

Review: Diego Camargo


Thoughts: Violeta De Outono has been really hard to categorize since the begining. They started their career in the mid 80′s, where New Wave was in every tiny bit of Rock in Brazil, and yet, they were deeply rooted in Psychedelic Rock and Space Rock with colours of Pink Floyd from Syd Barrett period. All of this sprinkled with New Wave, but just a tiny bit.

Their first record Violeta De Outono is a classic! But the band had to let it go in the 90′s, things weren’t working for their kind of music anymore. They never really broke up and Fabio Golfetti always kept the dream alive. Only in 2005 they really returned with a new album Ilhas (2005), since then their music comes slowly, but never stops.

I bought Volume 7 (2007) right after the release and I have to say, I simply love that album, it’s one of the finest pieces of Space Rock in the Canterbusy Scene tradition and the new member (at that time) Fernando Cardoso added so much to the band with his keyboards, synths and specially, Hammond organ.

I’ve seen the band live many times since 2007 and I was really waiting for the new album. Following their steps closely. In 2010 Fabio gathered his mates, and under the Invisible Opera Company Of Tibet name released a perfect record, UFO Planante (2010). That made me wait a bit more calm. But he promised a new Violeta De Outono album to 2012 and it came.

The album was suposed to be released in March, but Fabio is now playing with Gong, that made the album delayed a bit and it was released in late May. But the waiting game worth every second.

Espectro (2012) is the best album released by Violeta De Outono so far. They took the Volume 7 (2007) sound and developed even more. Fabio vocals are fragile, but that made them so special and unique. Plus the Hammond organs by Fernando Cardoso are more present than never.

The band has a new drummer, José Luiz Dinóla, and his style fitted perfectly to tha band and as usual Gabriel Costa bass playing is perfect, gives the right amount of low the band needs and his Fender sound is warm and clever.

One more thing has to be said. Espectro (2012) was recorded in the MOSH Studios in São Paulo in analog tapes, NO computers, at all. This makes their sound even more unique and you can say as soon that the first track ‘Formas-Pensamento’ starts.

You’re into Canterbusy Scene, melodical Prog with the exactly amount of Space Rock, and Hammond organs? This is exactly for you. My top 5 of 2012 as you can see HERE.

The band is on our first Podcast with the track 'Algum Lugar', listen it HERE.

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