Monday, September 02, 2013


News: New Sylvium album The Gift Of Anxiety Will Be Released In September

Sylvium is about to release debut album The Gift Of Anxiety through Freia Music.

Dutch band Sylvium announces their first full length album, entitled The Gift Of Anxiety (2013). The album will be released on 13th September 2013 on the FREIA Music label.

Founding member Ben van Gastel (guitars/keyboards) has teamed up for this album with Gijs Koopmans (bass guitar), Greg Geurtsen (drums) and jan Roel Koppen (piano). The band will be perfoming live in the same line-up.

The album will contain five instrumental songs. However, Richard de Geest (from Ghost a.o.) will appear as guest vocalist on one track.

The musical style of rock and alternative mixed with ambient music that was first presented on the promising debut EP Purified (2012) will return on this album. Each of the 6 tracks will create it's own meaning of the album theme anxiety.

The album will be released in a luxury cross digipak and you can preview the tracks in the video below:

To order your copy go RIGHT HERE.

Source: Press release

Sylvium links:
Official website


See more Sylvium on Progshine:
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