Sunday, September 08, 2013


Progshine's Best 2013 Album Survey

This year Progshine is going to have a big Best 2013 Album List, and we want YOUR help!

Please help Progshine to create a list for the best albums released in 2013 by taking our surkey. You'll have 'till the end of January2014 to complete the survey and it's really quick!

You can choose up to 10 albums or if think a different album should be on the list you can send us a tip in the and it'll be included. So far we have over 100 albums in the list.

Remember that as soon as new albums are being released (up to December) the list will be updated. We'll also have updates every two weeks in this post so you can see which albums are being voted. The Survey will also appear as a pop-up in the wesbite.

Please click in the link below to take our survey and thank you for participating!

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