Thursday, December 12, 2013


News: Debut Album - Use And Ornament - From Regal Worm Is Now Out

Regal Worm and its debut album, Use And Ornament.

Jarrod Gosling (the guy that is also on Henry Fool, I Monster and Skywatchers) has a new project out and it's called Regal Worm. Their debut album Use And Ornament (2013) was released on December 2nd through Quatermass Records via Burning Shed and also on Bandcamp.

This album is the culmination of months of fevered work in Jarrod’s "Pig View" studio beavering away on dangerous vintage machinery (including his prized Mellotron M400), to bring Prog Fans a highly detailed but accessible and colourful music, mixing prog, jazz, and folk genres with an anarchic post-­-punk strand and sensibility.

Check the album below:

You can order your copy through many different places such as AMAZON, BURNING SHED (Burning Shed customers will also be able to download a different and exclusive track with CD orders) and BANDCAMP.

The band also appeared on our Podcast #32 and you can listen the track 'Apple Witch' RIGHT HERE.

Source: Press release

Regal Worm links:
Official website

See more Regal Worm on Progshine:
Other news


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