Thursday, February 13, 2014


10 Modern Prog Classics - Part II

By Diego Camargo
Image: Found Walls

So, the first part of my '10 Modern Prog Classics' (HERE) was very succesful and I had a very nice feedback about it. Including Geoffrey Langley from The Twenty Committee (that soon will write a great article for Progshine).

Because of that I decided to do a second part quite quickly with another 10 'modern classics.

Again, this list has my personal taste as judge and it may not please your ears, but knowing new music isn’t that bad is it?

So here it is:

1. Transatlantic - Duel With The Devil
Album: Bridge Across Forever (2001)

2. The Alan Parsons Project - La Sagrada Familia
Album: Gaudi (1987)

3. Dream Theater - Pull Me Under
Album: Images And Words (1992)

4. Rush – Animate
Album: Counterparts (1993)

5. Karmakanic - Masterplan Part I
Album: Wheel Of Life (2004)

6. Moon Safari - A Kid Called Panic
Album: Lover's End (2010)

7. Violeta De Outono - Fronteira
Album: Volume 7 (2007)

8. Roger Waters - Amused To Death
Album: Amused To Death (1992)

9. Yes - Magnification
Album: Magnification (2001)

10. Orgia Pravednikov - Huanhe, Dozhdj Nad Velikoi Rekoi (Хуанхэ. Дождь над великой рекой)
Album: Уходящее солнце (2007)

Suggestions? Leave a comment below or on our Facebook/Twitter page and let's have many parts!!

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