Tuesday, February 18, 2014


News: Craig Scott's Lobotomy Crowdfunding Campaign

Craig Scott's Lobotomy crodfunding campaign to release vinil.

Craig Scott's Lobotomy is association with Wasp Millionaire Records are proud to present the first ever album to be released in the form of a Pink Latex Brain - Perform a Lobotomy to access the Download code for Craig's new album 'War is a Racket' hidden within!

The Brain's are available as part of a fundraising campaign to raise money to release Craig's 'Regressive Medio-Core' masterpiece in the more traditional formats of 12" Vinyl and Compact Disk.

In Craig's words: "As we started to realise that the music INDUSTRY does not sell music but sells idols, culture and fashion, we thought it would be a good idea to cut to the chase and create 'THE CHURCH OF CRAIG SCOTT'. As part of this campaign we will be awarding individuals with official titles in the church (and like all good cults) dependant on how much money is pledged.

If you pledge for War Is A Racket (2014) you can get all kinds of perks like album download, CD, blue vinil and much more. The campaign range is from ₤1 to ₤400.

Know more about the campaign on IndieGoGo page HERE. Or you can take a look at the video of the campaign below:

Source: Press release

Craig Scott's Lobotomy links:
Official website


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Craig Scott's Lobotomy on Progshine:
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