Saturday, February 15, 2014


News: Lee Abraham's Distant Days Album Is Out Now

Ex-Galahad bass player Lee Abraham returns with a new album.

On 6 February 2014, Lee Abraham released his new studio album, entitled Distant Days (2014) via his own Edge Of Life label, the follow-up to his previous solo album Black And White (2009).

Distant Days (2014) contains seven new songs, featuring guest performances from Karl Groom (Threshold/Shadowland), Dec Burke (Darwin's Radio/Frost*/Brave New Sky/Solo), Marc Atkinson (Riversea/Nine Stones Close/Mandalaband/Solo), John Young (The John Young Band/Lifesigns) and Steve Thorne (Solo).

Lee, former bass player with UK Prog band Galahad, was also joined by longtime musical collaborator Gerald Mulligan (Credo) on drums, and other members of his core live band Chris Harrison on guitars, Alistair Begg on bass/Chapman Stick and Rob Arnold on keyboards. Jon Barry and Simon Nixon added their guitar talents and Lee was delighted to welcome Robin Armstrong (Cosmograf) on acoustic guitar and Dave Phillips on backing vocals.

Distant Days (2014) spans 60 minutes and cover lyrical topics such as childhood, the oppression of Government authority and the cause of the recent global recession.

Lee says: "Some of the lyrics may sound heavy going, but I wanted to cover subjects that everyone could relate to, especially here in the UK. Recently, we have had a lot of scrutiny of our Government's behaviour and how it goes about governing us.  I also take a look at the financial institutions that are also largely to blame for the recession we're just trying to sort out. But rest assured, there's happy stuff in there too!"

As a song-writer and producer, Lee has again called on the Prog world to guest on his album to help bring the songs to life. Lee continues: "I am a firm believer in making sure the songs have the best chance to sound great, so that means bringing in the right people to add their talents. All the guests were carefully hand-picked and in some cases, the songs were written with the guest in mind."

The album was again recorded and mixed by him at his Dockside Studio in Southampton, England. Lee is hoping to take the album out on the road in 2014/15 to give the songs a live airing at festivals and live venues across Europe.

1. Closing The Door
2. Distant Days
3. The Flame
4. Misguided
5. Corridors of Power
6. Walk Away
7. Tomorrow Will Be Yesterday

You can order your copy of the album RIGHT HERE.

Source: Press release

Lee Abraham links:
Official website

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Lee Abraham on Progshine:
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