Tuesday, February 11, 2014


News: Spleen Arcana's Second Album The Light Beyond The Shades Is Out Now

New Spleen Arcana album is ready to be pre-ordered.

The French one-man band Spleen Arcana is doing a two-way release of his new album The Light Beyond The Shades (2014).

The new album took 5 years in the making since the debut album The Field Where She Died (2008).

Julien Gaullier, as in the first album, recorded everything in his home studio with the exception of drums (by 
David Perron) and he also had some help with the backing vocals (by Marie Guillaumet).

As mentioned, the album is being released in a different way. The album is now available in Digital formats through Bandcamp and CDBaby, but Julian is also taking pre-orders to make the CD format happen. He needs at least 100 pre-orders and then he'll have the CD's ready by April.The Light Beyond The Shades (2014) is packed in a completely 70's format including the music, sound and tracklist:
1. Erin Shores - 12'00
2. Fading Away - 10'16
3. Memento Mori - 24'07

You can stream the album below:

You can get Spleen Arcana's new album in digital formats on Bandcamp in THIS LINK or if you prefer the CD, the pre-orders are being taken HERE.

Source: Press release

Spleen Arcana links:
Official website


See more 
Spleen Arcana on Progshine:
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