Monday, June 30, 2014


News: Christian Vander's Offering New Live CD

Christian Vander's Offering Concert Triton 2013 2-CD/DVD set now available.

To the excitement of Christian Vander and Magma fans, Seventh Records is releasing a new Offering live record called Concert Triton 2013 (2014). This is a 2 CD/DVD set!

In 1983, motivated by the strong artistic impulse to return to his “Coltrane” roots, with a sound that's more flexible than Magma, Christian Vander created Offering; a new ensemble that focused on vocals, keyboards and percussion. More experimental, leaving a great part to improvisation, this group allowed musicians to explore new musical avenues.

Offering has remained out of the sight and hearing of the younger generations for the past 30 years but now Christian Vander and his musicians decided to celebrate this anniversary musically.

CD 1

1. Offering
2. Joïa
3. Tilim M'dohm
4. Love In The Darkness
5. Auroville
CD 2
1. La Nuit Du Chasseur
2. Les Vagues
3. Another Day (Part 1)
4. Et Le Temps A Passé
5. Another Day (Part 2)
6. An Bara Wa
7. Ehn Deïss
Same tracklist with 'Earth' as a bonus.

To order your copy through Amazon CLICK HERE or direct through Seventh Records online shop HERE.

Source: Press release

Offering links:
Official website

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Christian Vander on Progshine:
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