Wednesday, June 11, 2014


News: Kotebel Start Crowdfunding Campaign To Play In The USA

Kotebel started a Indie GoGo campaign to play USA.

The Spanish band Kotebel was invited to participate in the 20th Anniversary Edition of ProgDay. The band then is planning a mini-tour and also play in Washington DC and New Jersey.

The concerts are scheduled to:
- August 26 - Dunellen New Jersey - Roxy & Dukes (This concert is organized by NJ Proghouse)
- August 27 - Washington DC - Millennium Stage, Kennedy Center. (This concert will allow the band to perform their Piano Concerto in its natural setting - using a Grand Piano - and will be streamed live)
- August 30 - Chapel Hill, North Carolina - ProgDay Festival

The thing is, according to the band, the promoters only supply a small financial aid to help cover the band's expenses. And though the band also secured some aid from AIE and SPAIN art&culture it's not enough.

Says the band about it: "However, we are still short to cover our costs: airfares, equipment rental, van rental, food & lodging, and ...... THIS is the purpose of our crowd funding. We need $2500 to break even and we are asking for your support!"

The band then went into a Indie GoGo campagin that will give many goodies to the funders like download links to their albums, a free copy of any album of your choice and privileged digital access to our first live album, that will not be released until August/September.

To check out the campaign and help the band by getting some nice perks click RIGHT HERE.

Source: Press release

Kotebel links:
Official website

See more 
Kotebel on Progshine:
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