Friday, June 06, 2014


Playlist: Eclectic Prog

By Diego Camargo

Giving continuity to our Playlists showing the Progressive Rock divided into sub-genres.

Once again let me tell you that I’ll not try to explain it with words, you can find this explanations on Progarchives (HERE), for example.

I organized one more Playlist using Spotify (sorry if you can’t listen to it), this time with bands that I think represent well the Eclectic Prog sub-genre. In this list, as with the previous ones you will have 20 songs (from all periods) that I think are essential to understand the sub-genre we’re discussing at the moment.

You can find the playlist below, enjoy and if you have any suggestion please leave us a comment, it doesn’t hurt!

If you don't have a Spotify account just go their WEBSITE and be happy!

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