Monday, July 28, 2014


News: Italian Band Unreal City Ask Fans For Help To Crowdfund Their 2015 Tour

News: Italian Band Unreal City Ask Fans For Help To Crowdfund Their 2015 Tour.

Italian Progressive Rockers, Unreal City ask Prog fans to back crowdfunding appeal for a tour planned for 2015. The band released their debut album La Crudelta Di Aprile (2013)  last year, and are currently working on its follow-up which will be released in January 2015 on AMS Records.

They have recently started an Indiegogo campaign, that would bring the band on the road in 2015 to promote their upcoming release. For many interesting perks log on to the campaign page on THIS LOCATION.

The band commented about the campaign: "Your help will get us touring in a lot of countries and hopefully we'll schedule a date near to your hometown! But no worries, we'll be on tour even if we don't reach our goal, your help won't be wasted in any case. The only difference will be the amount of dates in the tour and the number of countries reached!"

The perks costs between €2 and €2.000 and goes from a humble thank you, cds and t-shirts to go on tour with the band.

Source: Press release

Unreal City links:
Official website


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Unreal City on Progshine:
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