Thursday, July 03, 2014


News: Perfect Beings Release New Video For Fictions

Perfect Beings release new video for the track 'Fictions'.

Perfect Beings release their new video for the track 'Fictions'.

Taken from their eponymously titled debut album, this is the second official video of the band.

Says the band about the track: "The song 'Fictions'is the love story part of TJ and Tosc (the Sci-Fi novel our album is based upon) It's the point in the story where Raymond and Noriko reclaim their love.  Raymond's memory of Noriko has been erased from the identity chip and he is being informed about the past and when they were together, he can't remember, it feels like fiction to him.  And yet they struggle through together and reconvene their love.  But it is a deeper love than before.  All of the trauma of the previous years has actually brought them a deeper understanding of love, along with the realization that without this love, they would have a very hard time surviving the Depression Plague."

The video is more of a loose take on this theme.  The little girl losing her father, the Perfect Being or soul that exists after and before life.  She imagines him has a star, from reading her little book "we are stardust".

Watch it below:

Source: Press release

Perfect Beings links:
Official website


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Perfect Beings on Progshine:
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