Sunday, July 27, 2014


News: Perfect Beings Stream Live Show From LA On August 14th

Perfect Beings Stream Live Show From LA On August 14th.

After the release of their video for the single 'Fictions' (watch it HERE), Perfect Beings are going to be showcasing a live stream of their show 7pm August 14th when Los Angeles Artwork presents an evening of music and literature at The Last Bookstore in LA, the show can be seen on THIS link on the mentioned day.

This night will also have a discussion pane with writers and novelists Suhail Rafidi, Eri Davis, Marc Weingarten and Tyson Cornell, moderated by David Gill.

In November of 2012, Luley approached Hurtgen about collaborating on a progressive rock project. It was Luley's intention to create an album that honored the style and live musicality in traditional Prog rock mediums. Hurtgen, a fresh songwriter transplant to California via Nashville, TN, agreed and began writing sketches for a concept album based on author Suhail Rafidi's novel, TJ & Tosc - its themes of transformation, self-identity, technology, and love in a post-apocalyptic world were a perfect fit with the music. Over the course of 2012 and 2013 Luley and Hurtgen composed and orchestrated the Perfect Beings Project.

With the help of drummer Dicki Fliszar, keyboardist Jesse Nason and bassist Chris Tristram, the five players began rehearsing the songs to record a live record in the same fashion as the Progressive Rock acts of the Golden Era. In April, 2013 with the help of engineer Julian David, the band recorded Perfect Beings in a span of 3 weeks at My Sonic Temple studio in Los Angeles.

Source: Press release

Perfect Beings links:
Official website


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Perfect Beings on Progshine:
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