Monday, August 18, 2014


Band Of The Month: Mike Kershaw

This is a new feature here on Progshine! Every month we'll have a new band/artist that will be the spotlight of the month.
This month we have the UK solo artist Mike Kershaw!
In the rest of August month we'll have several articles about Mike including an interview and a giveaway, so keep watching this space!

Having previously recorded under the name 'Relocate To Heathrow' Mike Kershaw decided in 2011 to record all future projects under hiw own name. The last few years have seen great leaps musically to him and he thought that the new songs deserved a new identity.

Mike have been gathering increased Prog Rock radio exposure from ARfm Soundscapes, FNP, The Dividing Line Broadcast Network, AiiRadio, Progshine etc and he have released 3 full albums and 1 EP so far.

He states about his music: "My music is difficult to categorise and though there are clearly tracks that are very Prog Rock influenced there are many that veer in other directions.... You have to listen really to know what I mean."


Discography to Listen:

Reason To Believe (2012)

This Long Night (2013)

Winter EP (2013)

Ice Age (2014)

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