Wednesday, September 03, 2014


Band Of The Month: Distorted Harmony

Picture: Ofir Abe

This is a new feature here on Progshine! Every month we'll have a new band/artist that will be the spotlight of the month.
This month we have the Israeli band Distorted Harmony that's releasing its second studio album named Chain Reaction (2014)!

Picture: Ofir Abe

The band began their journey in 2009, with a collaboration between the composer and keyboardist Yoav Efron and drummer Yogev Gabay. The two were later joined, in 2011, by vocalist Misha Soukhinin, guitarist Guy Landau, and bassist Iggy 'Jalapeno' Cohen to complete the final lineup.

Prior to that, in 2006, Yoav composed the first song 'Utopia' which later became the title for their debut album. Later that year he composed the rest of the tracks that are destined to appear in 'Utopia'.

Released digitally on May 14th, 2012, Utopia (2012) in just a short period of time, has won praise and respect worldwide for it's highly complex and intense arrangements, its virtuosic musicianship, and its ability to captivate the listener.

During 2013 the band started working on their second album which due to be released in the beginning of 2014 and got nominated for the "Limelight" (Best new band) award in the prestigious "Progressive Music Awards 2013" competition which is held by the British "Prog" magazine.

Now in 2014 the band have a new album out in CD and Digital called Chain Reaction (2014).

Distorted Harmony has established itself as Israel's leading progressive metal band and aspires to be recognized as one of the leading bands in Prog / Metal as well as the overall worldwide music scene.


Discography to Listen:
(This albums will be available to stream till the end of September only. Stream in high quality 320k mp3)

Utopia (2012)

Chain Reaction (2014)

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