Thursday, September 18, 2014


Giveaway: Win A Digital Copy Or 1 CD Of Distorted Harmony's Second Studio Album

Picture: Ofir Abe

Distorted Harmony began their journey in 2009, with a collaboration between the composer and keyboardist Yoav Efron and drummer Yogev Gabay.

The two were later joined, in 2011, by vocalist Misha Soukhinin, guitarist Guy Landau, and bassist Iggy 'Jalapeno' Cohen to complete the final lineup.

The band just released a new album, their second, called Chain Reaction (2014).

The band is featured on this month on Progshine as our Band Of The Month, check everything about the band IN THIS LINK.

We here at Progshine HQ have 10 Bandcamp promo codes and 1 CD to giveaway. The promo codes allow you to download Distorted Harmony's Chain Reaction (2014) album in any digital format Bandcamp offers: MP3 (320k), FLAC, AAC, Ogg or ALAC. The CD will be sent to you without any cost.

Interested? Wanna win the CD or one of the 10 codes we have?
All you have to do is fill in the form below and you'll be participating. Just don't forget to read the Regulation on the bottom of this page.

* A little tip, if you don't remember in which episode Spleen Arcana's new album appears check out all of our Podcasts in THIS LINK or search them in our search bar.

1. This promotion is valid under all territories and borders, so don't worry.
2. The delivery of the Promo code will be made via E-mail, the CD will be delivered to the address given directly from the artist.
3. The participants MUST give all the info in the Form above, or the participation will be unvalidated.
4. Every participant will be contacted through e-mail with a number. The winners will be choosed by the website with that particular number.
5. The giveaway is valid till September 28th. The winners will be chosen on September 29th and will be contacted the same day. If the one or more winners doesn't answer the e-mail in 24 hours new winners will be chosen.
6. In case of any doubts contact us though our Contact Page or at

Also, stay tuned for more Giveaways, this is the first of many to come!

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