Monday, September 08, 2014


News: Osada Vida Unveil Artwork For The After-Effect

Osada Vida unveils artwork for their new album.

Osada Vida is finishing the details on their fifth studio album. The album, entitled The After-Effect (2014), is scheduled for release on November 3rd on Europe and December 2nd in North America (via MVD). The band is unveilling details on it slowly and by parts. A couple of weeks ago was the title and release date, now the band shows the artwork for the new album.

The follow up of Particles (2013) (read review HERE) see the band with a few line-up changes: Bartek Bereska (guitar) was replaced by Janek Mitoraj and drummer Adam Podzimski - by Marek Romanowski.

The band revealed the cover artwork of The After-Effect (2014) today. As with their previous releases, the artwork was done again by the band’s keyboardist, Rafał Paluszek. See it below:

Rafał Paluszek, band’s keyboardist comments: “Our new album, just like it was with Particles (2013), is not a concept album. We abandoned that as a creative method. And when we came up with the title ‘The After-Effect’, it was partly as a joke. An after-effect is a consequence, the result of all that's going on in our lives. Every album sums up a certain episode in your life. It crowns a certain creative process, which is, after all, brought about by something, and which is a lasting phenomenon. We experience certain things, every event has some influence on what we do. Why shouldn't that apply to the music we create? In a relatively short period of time, 2/5 of Osada Vida's lineup has changed. Such changes are like a tsunami - there are losses, but there's also a reason to build something new, something we wouldn't dare to build back in the untroubled days. We don't know what effects today's events will have. Looking at it from a mathematical perspective, there's an infinite number of paths, each branching out into an infinite number of paths as well, and so on. That's what The After-Effect (2014) is.”

At the end of July, the band entered MaQ Records studio to record rhythm section parts. A short movie uploaded on YouTube introduces their new drummer Marek Romanowski. You can watch the clip below:

Source: Press release

Osada Vida links:
Official website


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Review: Particles
Podcast #13


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