Saturday, November 08, 2014


News: Ysma Launch Video For Four Seconds West

German band Ysma release video for first single of the new album.

Ysma is our Band of the month (check them HERE) and they have some updates on their new album Fourth Wall (2014).

Ysma is an instrumental Progressive Rock band from Münster, Germany. Founded in 2009, the
quintet combines atmospheric elements and Progressive Rock/Metal influences, always focussing on
the ambience of a song as well as unconventional rhythms and parts out of the ordinary.

In the fall of 2014 the band released their sophomore record called Fourth Wall (2014). Once again recorded, mixed and mastered by the band themselves,
The group launched a video for the first single of the album called 'Four Seconds West'. Watch it below:

You can buy Fourth Wall (2014) through the band's Bandcamp page HERE.

Source: Press release

Ysma links:
Official website


See more Ysma
 on Progshine:
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