Saturday, February 07, 2015


News: Gong Founder Daevid Allen Has Six Months To Live

Legendary Gong founder is losing battle against cancer.

Daevid Allen, the eccentric frontman of the prog-psych-space-jazz fusion group Gong, has announced that he has only six months to live.

In a statement, Allen said the cancer for which he had previously been treated has returned and spread to his lung. He said he would not be pursuing further treatment.

His full statement reads:

"Hello you Kookaburras,

OK so I have had my PET-CAT scans (which is essentially a full body viewing gallery for cancer specialists, ) and so it is now confirmed that the invading cancer has returned to successfully establish dominant residency in my neck.

The original surgery took much of it out, but the cancer has now recreated itself with renewed vigour while also spreading to my lung.
The cancer is now so well established that I have now been given approximately six months to live.

So My view has Changed:
I am not interested in endless surgical operations and in fact it has come as a relief to know that the end is in sight.
I am a great believer in “The Will of the Way Things Are” and I also believe that the time has come to stop resisting and denying and to surrender to the way it is.

I can only hope that during this journey, I have somehow contributed to the happiness in the lives of a few other fellow humans.
I believe I have done my best to heal, dear friends and that you have been enormously helpful in supporting me through this time.

So Thank you SO much for being there with me, for the Ocean of Love and Now, importantly, Thank you for starting the process of letting go of me, of mourning then transforming and celebrating this death coming up – this is how you can contribute, this would be a great gift from those emotionally and spiritually involved with me.

I love you and will be with you always
- Daevid xxx -"

Allen, who was born in Australia in 1938, moved to the UK in 1961. He was a founder member of Soft Machine in 1966, but had to leave the band after being refused entry to the UK for overstaying his visa following a European tour. He remained in Paris, where he formed Gong, only to have to flee France for Majorca following the 1968 student riots.

Gong’s best known work was the Radio Gnome Trilogy, consisting of the albums Flying Teapot, Angel’s Egg and You.

Though Allen left the band in 1975, and spent most of the 80s in Australia, he returned to the UK and a version of Gong was playing again by 1991. They have continued to play and record intermittently since. Allen’s illness prevented him joining the band on their most recent tour, late in 2014.

Source: The Guardian

Gong links:
Official website

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