Wednesday, June 24, 2015


News: Gérson Werlang Reveal First Song From His New Album Sistema Solar

Gérson Werlang releases second solo album in August.

Gérson Werlang, leader of the Brazilian band Poços & Nuvens, release his second solo album in August.
Sistema Solar (2015), is going to be released in late August through Musea Records (worldwide) and Rock Symphony (Brazil).

Sistema Solar (2015) has 13 tracks and is the follow up for his first solo album Memórias Do Tempo (2008) released 7 years ago.

The first single for the album, the Floydian 'Anéis De Saturno' was revealed today. Watch the video below:

More info soon!

Source: Press release

Gérson Werlang Links:

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Gérson Werlang on Progshine:
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