Sunday, February 21, 2016


News: Riverside's Guitar Player Piotr Grudziński Passed Away

Piotr Grudziński (Photo Wojtek Dobrogojski)

RIP Piotr Grudziński (1975-2016).

Progshine Headquarters just got this sad info through Riverside's Facebook page:

"In our deepest pain and disbelief we would like to inform you that our dearest friend and brother Piotr Grudzinski has passed away this morning. We kindly ask you to respect the privacy of his family and friends."

The news came as a total shock to everyone as the Polish band just released their new album Love, Fear And The Time Machine (2015) and was about to start their 2016 tour with 10 dates in Poland.

There are no further news to the cause of death and what will be of the future of the band at this moment.

Let's remember Piotr with Riverside's latest single, `Time Travellers`:

Source: Press release

Riverside links:
Official website

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