Tuesday, October 04, 2016


Band Of The Month: Brian Johnstone

We're back with our Band Of The Month feature! On this feature we have a new band/artist that will be the spotlight for the whole month.
This month we have the Scottish musician Brian Johnstone as our featured artist. He's releasing his fourth album named Consent Under Coercion (2016)!

Brian Johnstone is a driven and charismatic artist with a unique approach to his blend of Progressive rock. His imaginative compositions, beautiful melodies and modern sounding arrangements echo the work of artists the likes of Rush, It Bites or Toto, just to mention a few.

As a seasoned keyboardist, Brian is part of several bands and side projects, including Zdiar, Vision Light and Scarlet Inside

His sound is all about great sonic textures with a contemporary feel, clever musicianship and visionary compositions.


Note: Stay tuned that this month we'll have much more abour Brian on Progshine with Interview, Giveaway, News and other contents!


Albums to Listen:

Consent Under Coercion (2016)

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