Wednesday, February 19, 2014


News: Deluge Grander And Its New Album With 205 Different Covers

American band releases new album in minimum quantity.

No, Progshine didn't make a mistake! It is what you read on the title of the post!

The American band Deluge Grander has just released their new album Heliotians (2014) on Emkog label and the new album is already a collector's edition!

The third album of the band, Heliotians (2014), was released in February 5th and it's a rare piece of music with ONLY 205 numbered copies in LP.
Each copy has a 180-gram vinyl LP and a CD. But that's not what impress, each of the 205 copies has hand-painted artwork, hand-written lyrics, and is signed by all the musicians who played or sang on it. The album was also recorded and mastered mostly on analog tape, using mostly analog instruments.

According to the band, there are no plans for releasing this album in any other physical format. After this 205 copies are gone, only Digital is going to stay alive on the virtual stores.

Below, a video where all the 205 albums are showed. One by one:

By the way, if you're interested, better hurry, according with a band's post on Facebook (HERE) there's only about 20 copies left!

1. Ulterior - 14:00
2. Saruned - 5:00
3. Reverse Solarity - 21:30

There's a big text on Emkog's website where the band explain the wheres and whys of this release. Take a look HERE.

To order one of the few copies left go to CDBaby RIGHT HERE.

Source: Press release

Deluge Grander links:
Official website

See more 
Deluge Grander on Progshine:
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