Thursday, February 20, 2014


News: Magellan’s Guitarrist, Wayne Gardner, Dies

Magellan guitarist and bassist Wayne Gardner has died.

Magellan announced on February 10th this sad piece of news. Magellan's vocalist and keyboard player Trent Gardner (also Wayne's brother) announced: “Today, my brother Wayne Gardner, died from a self inflicted use of a firearm. Our family is devastated by his loss and in a state of shock. I prefer not to relay any further details until I know all the facts myself. I will always cherish our time as kids growing up and our life in pursuit of music. All the effort and joy of our unique experience is what I want to think about now. His young family is my immediate concern. Please say a prayer for his eternal soul and for his family. We all love you Wayne and hope peace in God are with you. Your loyal brother…”

In another post, 2 days later, Trent explains a bit more about what happened: "Many people do not know about the last several years of brutal suffering Wayne had endured due to brain tumors. After doctors dealt with those issues, severe daily migraines set in. He sought treatment from various sources and got temporary relief here and there, but nothing ever worked well enough to give him a good quality of life."

The long post talks about the case and gives some light on the incident. You can read the full statement HERE.

Magellan was formed in 1985 and released seven albums so far. Since their latest studio album, Innocent God (2007), the band was releasing several singles instead of a full album, fact that was explained by the band a couple of years ago ON A POST on the band's website.

The latest one was 'Cynic's Anthem', that you can listen below:

Source: Press release

Magellan links:
Official website


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Magellan on Progshine:

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